Home of the Western Province Mountain Biking Commission

Category: Awards (Page 2 of 2)


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The Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the Western Province / Western Cape Colours Ceremony held on Thursday, 15 October 2015 will also include the certificates from the 2015 Souther African MTB Cup Series for both XCO & DHI.

The recipients include:

Alec Coleske – 1st
Luca Ruwiel – 1st
Luke Moir – 1st
Daniel van der Walt – 1st
Adriaan Duminy – 3rd
Allison Morton – 3rd
Joshua De Freitas – 1st
Cherie Vale – 1st
Candice Neethling – 2nd
James Reid – 3rd
Frances Barnar – 3rd
Mark Moir – 1st
Zachariah Woldson – 1st
Ike Claasen – 3rd
Matt Muir – 1st
Jasper Barret – 2nd
Francois du Toit – 1st
Jacques Prins – 3rd

Thomas Rood – 2nd
Julien Louw – 2nd
Rika Olivier – 2nd

For more information on these events, please visit www.wpmtb.co.za.


The Annual General Meeting (AGM), the Western Province and Western Cape Colours Ceremony which was to be held on Wednesday, 14 October 2015 at the Western Province Cricket Club, has been changed to Thursday, 15 October 2015.

New date:       Thursday, 15 October 2015
Venue:            Rondebosch Bowling Club
GPS Co-ordinates: -33.973385, 18.483176
(Next to Western Province Cricket Club)
Time:              17h15 for 17h30

As a reminder, the AGM will be the forum in which the office bearers for the Western Province Mountain Bike Commission will be appointed for the following year.  Nominations for the positions of office bearers should be submitted in writing to Shani Morton (shani.morton6@gmail.com) no later than seven days before the AGM.  Nominations must make provision for a proposer and countersigned by a nominee.

It is important to note that all office bearers need to be re-elected at the AGM.  Current office bearers who wish to stay on and serve the commission will have to make themselves available for re-election.  Voting for office bearers will take place at the AGM.

It is important that all persons attend both the AGM and the Colours Ceremony.

Any queries please contact WPMTBC@novus.holdings or visit www.wpmtb.co.za.



As per the Western Province Mountain Bike Constitution, a minimum 14 day notice period is required for the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Please therefore accept this as official notification for the AGM which is currently set for the 14th of October 2015. The venue is provisionally booked at the Western Province Cricket Club. Commencement will begin at 17h30.

More details will follow in due course.

The Annual General Meeting will be the forum in which the office bearers for the Western Province Mountain Bike Commission will be appointed for the following year. Nominations for the positions of office bearers should be submitted in writing to Shani Morton (shani.morton6@gmail.com) no later than seven days before the AGM. Nominations must make provision for a proposer and countersigned by a nominee.

It is important to note that all office bearers need to be elected at the Annual General Meeting. Current office bearers who wish to stay on and serve the commission will have to make themselves available for re-election. Voting for office bearers will take place at the AGM.

After serving as Chairperson for two years of the WPMTBC and having been involved in Provincial racing for four years, I will not be standing for re-election as Chairman of the WPMTBC. At this moment it is not certain as to, whether or not, I will make myself available for a position of office bearer.

It is imperative that individuals make themselves available to serve on the commission. Without the Commission there will be no Western Province XCO or DHI Series, Western Cape Championships, Western Province Marathon Series or Western Cape Marathon Championships.


The proposed list for XCO for both Western Province and Western Cape are included below. Please review these lists and if there are any queries, this should be raised to Stephen van der Walt (Stephen.vanderWalt@novus.holdings) by no later than close of business on Wednesday, 23 September 2015.  Unfortunately the DHI lists are not yet finalised and this will be circulated in due course. Any queries raised will be presented to the Commission for deliberation.

Western Cape Colours
Western Province Colours

Both the Western Province and Western Cape Colours Ceremony will be held immediately after the AGM on 14 October 2015 at the Western Province Cricket Club.

At the ceremony the certificate for both the Western Province and Western Cape Colours will be handed out. At present there are no sponsors for clothing. Should any person be prepared to offer a sponsorship for both Western Province and Western Cape Colours, please contact Shani Morton (shani.morton6@gmail.com).
If clothing incorporates a hat, sponsors are allowed to carry their name on the left and right side of the hat. If sponsored clothing includes a jacket/top, sponsorship logo is allowed on the nape of the neck and on one side of the chest.

In brief, Western Province Colours are awarded on the following basis:

  • First and Second position in the Western Province XCO Cup Series and there must be at least five individual participants;
  • If an individual participates but does not qualify for the Western Province XCO Cup Series they can still qualify through coming first or second in the Western Cape Championships (minimum of three participants, a top three place in either the SA XCO Cup Series or SA National Championships).

In brief, Western Cape Colours are awarded on the following basis:First place in Western Cape Championships (less than five entrants) or top three (five or more participants);

  • Top three in the SA National Championships (less than fifteen entries) or top five (where there are fifteen or more participants);
  • Top three in the SA National Cup Series.

An individual must have Western Province Colours to qualify for Western Cape Colours.  A participant is an individual who completes a race.


The third round of the Nissan Trailseeker Western Cape Series (Western Province Marathon Series) will be held at Suma Ridge Estate Wines in Hemel and Aarde Valley(Hermanus) on 10 October 2015. This race will take place during the Whale Festival. There will be television coverage, prize money and Provincial points up for grabs.

For more details please visit www.advendurance.com

Please remember that, due to the mix-up at the Nissan Trailseeker Series race in Helderberg, the following applies:

  • For U10/U12/U14: The best three of the four races will determine Western Province Colours;
  • For Girls U16 and U118: The best three of the four races will determine Regional Colours;
  • For Boys U16 and U18 and all other categories: The best two of the four races will count towards Regional Colours.


The Ladismith Cheese 7Weekspoort Mountain Bike Challenge once again doubles-up as the Western Cape Marathon Championships. This takes place in Ladismith on 3 of October 2015.

For comprehensive details please go to www.7Weekspoortmtb.co.za or contact Corne Bence  (Corne.Bence@gmail.com).

Please be aware that you can only qualify for Western Cape Colours (Provincial) for a Marathon if you have already earned either Western Province (Regional) Colours or Eden (Regional) Colours.

Due to the fact that the Western Province marathon series will only be completed on14 November 2015, colours will not be awarded after the event, but a separate ceremony will be held later in November. Separate Western Cape medals will however be presented to the various categories at the event.


WPMTBC Colours Ceremony – 14 October 2014

Our very proud recipients of Provincial and Regional Colours. (in no particular order) I will add the captions once I have the opportunity to refer back to the order of events. I must give the DHI folks a big shout out for attitude. Sorry if the photography was not quite to Cherie Vale standards…think big dark hall…

WPMTBC – Update – Colours Sportswear

Western Cape Official MTB XCO / DHI Sportswear

The Western Province MTB Commission (WPMTBC) has been inundated with requests for official gear for the Western Cape (WC) colours recipients.  In order to accommodate these requests, the Commission has arranged that there will be WC tops available of a similar nature to the WP and will bear the official WC logo.  These will be available at a cost of R350 per item, colour recipients can order their official sports gear at the WP & WC colour ceremony tonight.

Colours recipients to please bring along cash.

Reminder: WPMTBC – Special General Meeting 14 Oct 2014

WP Logo paths.ai


A reminder that the Western Province MTB Commission (WPMTBC) Special General Meeting (SGM) is being held on Tuesday, 14 October 2014 at Totius Primary School at 17h30.

Western Cape and Western Province MTB XCO & DHI Colours Ceremony will take place at the beginning of the SGM and certified riders will have the opportunity to fit and order official WP sportswear. Colours recipients to please bring along cash.

Furthermore, the committee are seeking a selection of office bearers for the WPMTBC. Members are urgently required.

Parking for the SGM can be accessed from 9th Avenue, Boston, Bellville.


To qualify for Western Cape MTB XCM Colours at the upcoming 7weekspoort MTB Challenge, the following parameters must be complied with:

  • The cyclist must have a CSA license (a day license will not suffice);
  • The cyclist must be a resident in the Western Cape.

The first three finishers in the following distances and age groups will qualify for Western Cape XCM Colours:

  • 25km: Nippers, Sprogs & Sub-Juniors
  • 45km: Youth, Juniors, Masters (Women),Grand Masters (Men) & Grand Masters (Women)
  • 80km: Elite, Sub-Veteran (Men), Sub-Veteran (Women), Veteran (Men), Veteran (Women), Master (Men)

The awarding of the Western Cape MTB Colours will follow the main prize-giving at the 7weekspoort MTB Challenge.

WPMTBC Special General Meeting

The Western Province Mountain Bike Commission (WPMTBC) will hold a special general meeting as follows:

Date:                     Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Time:                     17h30
Location:             Totius Primary School, Belville.

The formal procedure of the Special General Meeting will be as follows:

  1. The awarding of Regional Colours (Cape Metropole, Overberg and Winelands) and Provincial Colours for XCO and DHI;
  2. The selection of office bearers for the WPMTBC.  The positions up for selection are as follows:
    • Chairman
    • Commission Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • Sanctioning
    • Downhill Representative
    • x2 XCO Event Coordinators
    • x2 DHI Event Coordinators
    • Track Commissaire
    • Race & Technical Commissaire
    • Internet & Social Media Sponsorship

The constitution calls for the election of these office bearers at an Annual General Meeting within three months of the commencement of the financial year. This requirement is therefore only due to take action according to statute, between 01 March 2015 and 31 May 2015.  As it is the end of the XCO and DHI season, the current committee members thought it would be appropriate to go through this process, considering it is the first active year of the WPMTBC.  The process is open to all. Nominations can be brought forward at the Special General Meeting, where-after the approved nominations will be subjected to a vote.  Please note that all is done on a volunteer basis, without volunteers to occupy the committee, provincial races would not be possible; neither would provincial colours.

Once duly formed, the newly constituted committee will continue the Special General Meeting with the following agenda items:

  1. Presentations on proposed venues for Western Province XCO and DHI races in 2015 and proposed venues for the South African National XCO and DHI Championships in 2015.
    • A separate notice in this regard will be sent to the database and posted onto the website (http://wcmtb.co.za/)
    • The meeting will commence with this item to enable those who are not committee members to exit early.
  2. Invoicing of events to be sanctioned by Cycling South Africa (CSA) in the Cape Metropole, Overberg and Winelands
    • Fee structure
    • Process
  3. Sponsorships for 2015
  4. Confirmation of event dates for Western Province Series and National Championships in 2015
  5. Approval of financial statements
  6. Amendments to the constitution
  7. Follow up with Cycling South Africa (CSA) Indaba
    • Age regulations according to UCI
    • Race commissaires operating at Cycling South Africa sanctioned races
  8. Super Series
    • Weekend of racing, including Olympic disciplines of MTB, Road, Track, BMX, Para and potentially DHI (not an Olympic discipline)
    • The potential of the WPMTBC hosting such an event

Colours for MTB XCO / DHI WP & Western Cape

Western Province Colours

The Western Province Colours are applicable to the Cape Metropole Region only.  As previously indicated, the selection criteria stemmed from the Western Province Cup Series, Western Cape Championships, SA Cup Series and SA National Championships.
The Western Province Mountain Bike Commission has great pleasure in announcing the following riders as recipients of Western Province Colours for XCO and DHI in 2014.


Luke Beverley (Nipper Boys
Hendré de Villiers (Nipper Boys)
Alec Coleske (Nipper Boys)
Anna Marx (Nipper Girls)
Olivia Penfold (Nipper Girls)
Luke Moir (Sprog Boys)
Matthew Wilson (Sprog Boys)
Matthew Lochner (Sprog Boys)
Sarah van der Walt (Sprog Girls)
Jamie Penfold (Sub Junior Boys)
Daniel van der Walt (Sub Junior Boys)
Michard Meets (Sub Junior Boys)
Calla de Vos (Sub Junior Boys)
Carla Hollander (Sub Junior Girls)
Sonique Louw (Sub Junior Girls)
Matthew Keyser (Youth Men)
Andrew Sparks (Youth Men)
Allison Morton (Youth Women)
Matthew Lombardi (Junior Men)
Sybrand Strauss (Junior Men)
Harrie Malan (Junior Men)
Michael Lord (Junior Men)
Tim Wilkens (U23 Men)
Aaron Adler (U23 Men)
Jurgens Uys (U23 Men)
Cherié Vale (Elite Women)
Vera Adrian (Elite Women)
Mariske Strauss (Elite Women)
Reich Lategan (Elite Men)
Heiko Redecker (Elite Men)
Renay Goustra (Elite Men)
Nico Pfitzenmaier (Elite Men)
Malcolm Isaacs (Sub Vet Men)
Hannes Hanekom (Sub Vet Men)
Martin Zietsman (Sub Vet Men)
Robert Sim (Veteran Men)
Mark Moir (Veteran Men)
Chris Nixon (Veteran Men)
Riccardo Stermin (Master Men)
Deon Wilkens (Master Men)
Doug Brown (Master Men)
Bob Schuiling (Master Men)
Johan Spies (Grand Master Men)
Mark Rault (Grand Master Men)


Ike Klaasen (Sprogs Boys)
Jason du Toit (Junior Boys)
Francois du Toit (Youth Men)
Jacques Prins (Junior Men)
Rika Olivier (Elite Women)
Theo Erlangsen (Elite Men)
Andrew Neethling (Elite Men)
Stefan Garflicki (Elite Men)
Jaco Veldsman (Sub Vet Men)
Myles Kelsey (Vet Men)
Martin Prins (Master Men)

Western Cape Colours

Western Cape Colours include the regions of Western Province (Cape Metropole), Winelands, Overberg, West Coast and Eden.  Western Cape Colours are determined through the Western Cape Championships, SA Cup Series and SA National Championships.  Fred Lingenfelder, Western Cape Mountain Bike Commissioner, has approved the awarding of Western Cape Colours to the following riders in both XCO and DHI for 2014:


Alec Coleske (Nipper Boys)
Anna Marx (Nipper Girls)
Luke Moir (Sprog Boys)
Matthew Wilson (Sprog Boys)
Matthew Lochner (Sprog Boys)
Sarah van der Walt (Sprog Girls)
Jamie Penfold (Sub Junior Boys)
Daniel van der Walt (Sub Junior Boys)
Michard Meets (Sub Junior Boys)
Calla de Vos (Sub Junior Boys)
Carla Hollander (Sub Junior Girls)
Sonique Louw (Sub Junior Girls)
Matthew Keyser (Youth Men)
Andrew Sparks (Youth Men)
Jarod van den Heever (Youth Men)
Allison Morton (Youth Women)
Matthew Lombardi (Junior Men)
Sybrand Strauss (Junior Men)
Harrie Malan (Junior Men)
Michael Lord (Junior Men)
Ian Lategan (Junior Men)
Amy Williams (Junior Women)
Gert Heyns (U23 Men)
Aaron Adler (U23 Men)
Jurgens Uys (U23 Men)
Frans Grotepas (U23 Men)
Cherié Vale (Elite Women)
Lolita van Aard (Elite Women)
Mariske Strauss (Elite Women)
Philip Buys (Elite Men)
Sipho Madolo (Elite Men)
Renay Goustra (Elite Men)
Nico Pfitzenmaier (Elite Men)
James Reid (Elite Men)
Matthys Beukes (Elite Men)
Malcolm Isaacs (Sub Vet Men)
Hannes Hanekom (Sub Vet Men)
Martin Zietsman (Sub Vet Men)
Diana CArolin (Sub Vet Women)
Robert Sim (Veteran Men)
Mark Moir (Veteran Men)
Chris Nixon (Veteran Men)
Doug Brown (Master Men)
Bob Schuiling (Master Men)


Ike Klaasen (Sprogs Boys)
Jason du Toit (Junior Boys)
Matt Muir (Junior Boys)
Liam Hastings (Junior Boys)
Francois du Toit (Youth Men)
Jacques Prins (Junior Men)
Jens Rubouw (Junior Men)
Rika Olivier (Elite Women)
Stefan Garflicki (Elite Men)
Adriaan Smit (Elite Men)
Duran van Eeden (Elite Men)
Jaco Veldsman (Sub Vet Men)
Jason Gorman (Sub Vet Men)
Devon Katzen (Sub Vet Men)
Chris Nixon (Vet Men)
Myles Kelsey (Vet Men)
Julian Louw (Vet Men)
Martin Prins (Master Men)

An official event will be held for the awarding of both colours. The date and venue will be announced shortly.

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