Home of the Western Province Mountain Biking Commission

Category: Western Province MTB series 2015 (Page 1 of 3)

Thank you to our 2015 Sponsors

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We would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to all our 2015 sponsors. Your support to the sport of mountain biking is appreciated. We have partnered to host fantastic cross country and downhill events this year:

SponsorsCSA SponsorPPS Sponsor

Thank you to SUBARU Cape Town, DCP and GIANT that have committed to partner with us in 2016. We are actively looking for additional sponsors to partner with us to enable the WPMTBC to host the Western Province, Western Cape and SA MTB Cup Series events on our 2016 calendar for Cross Country and Downhill mountain biking.

The WPMTBC would like to thank Mr Stephen van der Walt for serving tirelessly as the WPMTBC chairperson for the past two years. His dedication to the sport is admirable. He continues to serve as a committee member.




WP XCO Champs Poster

Leading up to the Western Cape MTB XCO Championships, below you will find additional information about the venue and track for the upcoming races.


A sincere thank you to Dr. Corrie Muller and Hanno Lategan who were the inspiration behind the track at Stellenbosch University. In addition I would like to extend a special thank you to Mrs. Ilhaam Groenewald [Chief Director:Sport], Ms. Cindy van der Merwe [Maties Sport: Events Co-Ordinator], Mrs. Kim Coetzee [Maties Sport] and Ms. Candice Appollis [Sport Manager] at Stellenbosch University for making this possible.

It would be amiss to also not thank the administration, marketing and communication teams from Novus Holdings for their contribution and without whom this event would not have been possible.


The track that you will be riding during the championships is in its first stage of evolution. It is the same track that will be used for both the South African University Games and South African MTB National Championships.

After the completion of the Western Cape Championships, the second phase of the evolution will commence, adding more purpose built single track and technical sections for the South African Championships.  Thank you to the University of Stellenbosch who has completely financed this track and to Bennett Nel and his team who have worked tirelessly to get this track into a position of readiness for tomorrow.   The track itself has 210m of climbing and measures 5.3km’s.  The features are steady changing climbs with rewarding down-hills.  Spectator points will be indicated on the track.

All those participating, we wish you the best of luck!! To those who are not participating, please join in on the atmosphere and fun in the spectators area.

This series is brought to you by the WP MTB Commission in partnership with:


1.     Venue

  • Please do not ride on the soccer field at the University of Stellenbosch.
  • From tomorrow this area will be cordoned off.
  • Please follow the signs for parking, registration, restrooms and walkways and respect the University property.
  • The relationship with the University of Stellenbosch is a long term one with the track being used for the SA University Games and the SA Championships as well.

2.     Race Commissaire

  • Sharon Ruddock will be operating as Race Commissaire with the help of assistants.
  • Complaints have been registered this season alleging unprofessional behaviour and transgression of rules.
  • All complaints must be served to Sharon in writing within 15 minutes of the completion of the race in question supported by a lodging fee of R 200.
  • Sharon can be found at the finish area under the timing gazebos.
  • Special attention will be given to behaviour in the feeding/tech zones, start areas and non-riders presence on the track.
  • Please consult the CSA Rules & Regulations for MTB on www.cyclingsa.com
  • Any additions Sharon and her assistants can be approached on Saturday.

3.     Marshalls

  •  Apart from the usual parents who assist, additional marshals are being employed forSaturday.

This series is brought to you by the WP MTB Commission in partnership with:


Date:                     23 May 2015 Venue:                  Stellenbosch University, Coetzenburg, Soccer B-field

We are exceptionally grateful to Stellenbosch University for supplying the venue and allowing for the development of the track.


Please follow the parking boards on Coetzenburg Road on both Friday and Saturday.
Only park in the demarcated MTB bays (Outside the PSO clubhouse)


PSO Clubhouse [Please follow signs from parking to registration in the clubhouse]

Friday, 22 May:                13h00 to 17h30
Saturday, 23 May:            07h30 to 08h30 (R50 late entry fee)



Friday, 22 May:                 13h00 to 17h30
Saturday, 23 May:             07h30 to 08h30

All riders must register and display their bike boards at practice.  Riders found on the track after 08h30 on Saturday morning will be disqualified.


Prize money will be awarded to the winning riders – click here to view the prize allocations.



Online entries are available on www.wpmtb.co.za. Online entries will close on Wednesday, 20 May at 23h00.


Manual entries will be available during the registration process during both Friday and Saturday.


Nippers & Sprogs:              R200
All other categories:            R300

CSA licenses/membership must be show during registration. Temporary licenses are available at R35.  Riders without CSA membership or licenses will not qualify for Western Cape Colours.


Click here to view the race schedule for the WC MTB XCO Championships.


Please remember that the Western Province Cup Series Bike Boards have been retired. New bike boards will be available at registration for the championships.



The Western Province Region is made up of Cape Metropole, Winelands and Overberg. The first point of qualifying for regional colours is the Western Province XCO Cup Series. If you have not managed to qualify through this series, you may qualify for regional colours through coming first or second at the Western Cape Championships if the race has at least three finishers in that category.


This race presents the first opportunity to earn provincial colours. The Western Cape is made up of Western Province and Eden. Eden in turn comprises of the Central Karoo and Eden regions. Western Cape Colours can be earned by finishing in the top three in a category with more than five finishers.  With fewer than five finishers, only the first place will qualify.


Paramedic services will be provided by Blue Star Medical Management. They will be on-site fromFriday, 22 May (13h00 to 17h30) and Saturday, 23 May (07h00 to 15h00)


The official photographer for the Western Cape Championships is Wilhelm Sieberhagen.  A selection of thumbnails of the images will be uploaded on our website after the event and the high resolution images will be available for purchasing at:  http://www.picsiebphotography.com/


Paul Valstar and Sipho Mona-Lekoma will be running the commentary at this event, entertaining the spectators and encouraging the riders.  Sound will be provided by Jonathan Hibbins from Boundless Sound.


We would like to acknowledge and thank the following sponsors for their support:
Subaru Cape Town, Novus Holdings, Sappi, Mondi, PWC and DCP


The Western Cape Championships will be televised during the National Championships programme.

This series is brought to you by the WP MTB Commission in partnership with:



Western Cape XCO Championships, 23 May 2015 at Coetzenburg, University of Stellenbosch.
Western Cape DHI Championships, 31 May 2015 at Cascades Country Manor,Waterval Road, Nederburg, Paarl, South Africa.


Entry fees are as follows:

Nippers & Sprogs                            R200
All other categories                       R300

Online entries will be available on www.wpmtb.co.za from Thursday, 14 May 2015.

Online entries will close Wednesday, 20 May 2015 at 23h00.

Manual entries will be available on Friday, 22 May 2015 during registration.


New bike boards will be used for both the XCO and DHI events of the Western Cape Championships. The Western Province MTB Series boards can be disposed.


Prize money will be awarded to all race categories.


All riders who reside in the Western Cape are allowed to participate. Achieving regional colours is not a qualification criteria for both the XCO and DHI disciplines of the Western Cape Championships.

This series is brought to you by the WP MTB Commission in partnership with:


WP Logo paths.ai


The Nissan Trailseekers Western Cape Series is a Western Province Mountain Bike Commission sanctioned event and forms the basis of the official Western Province Cross Country Marathon Series. It will also be the sole basis of qualification for Western Province (Regional) Cross Country Marathon Colours.

The first of the four part series is on 9 May at Helderberg (Somerset West). This is followed by second event on 27 June in Grabouw, 10 October in Hemel and Aarde (Hermanus) and 14 November in Meer and Dal (Meerendal).

Qualification criteria are as follows:

Three best results of four to count
Top twenty positions per category to be given points
Less than five entries per category – only first place qualifies
Less than ten entries per category – only first and second to qualify
Greater than fifteen entries – top three to qualify

No individual can qualify for Western Province XCM Colours without an Cycling South Africa (CSA) membership or a Cycling South Africa (CSA) license. The categories are as follows:

Nippers, Sprogs and Sub-Juniors (20km’s)
Youth and Juniors (40km’s)
Elite, Veteran and Masters (70km’s)

The Western Province XCM Series is completely separate from the Western XCM Championships to be held in Seweweekspoort on 3 October 2015.
The Western Cape XCM Championships is a once-off opportunity to garner Western Cape XCM Colours (Provincial), to qualify for Provincial Colours you will have to have your Regional Colours (Western Province) and CSA membership/license.

WP MTB XCO #4 Announcement

Individuals have enquired as to whether it would be possible to move Western Province MTB XCO # 4 at Helderberg Farm on Saturday, 2 May 2015, due to it being a long weekend. Unfortunately the 9th of May 2015 has already been allocated to the first round of the Western Province Mountain Bike Marathon Series in the form of the Nissan Trailseeker Western Cape Series, so this is not possible.

Prize money for the event will be at the elevated values of Western Province Mountain Bike XCO Series #3. This has been made possible by the additional sponsorship received by Subaru Cape Town . It is also the last change to qualify for Western Province (Regional) MTB XCO Colours. In addition, it will also serve as the last race to determine the winner of the Western Province MTB XCO Cup Series. A separate awards ceremony will be held at the end of the season for the top three in the Cup Series.


Both Paul Valstar and Sipho Mona will be on duty as announcers on Saturday.


Refreshments in the form of boerewors rolls, hamburgers, chipstix, muffins, brownies, coffee, cooldrinks and water will be catered for by D.F. Malan High School, Chipstix and Jan Niekus.


Once again Wilhelm Sieberhagen has been employed to photograph the event. After the event a sample of low resolution images will be posted on the website. All the high resolution images from the weekend can be purchased from his website http://www.picsiebphotography.com/

It has already been confirmed that in the ladies Elite race that both Ariane Kleinhans and Cherié Vale will be participating.

We look forward to this weekends exciting race!

This series is brought to you by the WP MTB Commission in partnership with:

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