Home of the Western Province Mountain Biking Commission

Category: Awards (Page 1 of 2)


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The proposed 2016 list for Western Cape (Provincial) Colours for Downhill is included below. Please review this list and if there are any queries, this should be raised to Shani Morton (shani.morton6@gmail.com) by no later than close of business on Friday, 7 October 2016. Any queries raised will be presented to the Commission for deliberation.


3 September 2016

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Western Province Cross Country Marathon Series and Championships 2016

The marathon (XCM) series is off to a great start with two races done and everybody is looking forward to the WC XCM Champs in Ladismith. Please note: You need to qualify for WP Colours (last race is on 19 November 2016) and then if you are on the podium at the WC Champs, you will qualify for WC Colours (but it also depends on the number of participants that finish the WC Champs per category). You need to do 3 of the 4 WP marathon races to qualify for WP colours.

Western Province Cross Country Marathon Series 2016

The Western Province Mountain Bike Commission is pleased to announce that the Nissan Trailseeker Western Cape Series will form the basis of the official Western Province Cross Country Marathon Series. Please find the relevant information on their website: http://www.trailseekerseries.co.za/ It will also be the sole basis of qualification for the Western Province (Regional) Cross Country Marathon Colours. Details of the four part series is as follows:

  1. Nissan Trailseeker WC #1: 7 May at Boschendal in Groot Drakenstein
  2. Nissan Trailseeker WC #2: 25 June at Elgin Grabouw Country Club
  3. Nissan Trailseeker WC #3: 8 October at Sumaridge Estate Wines in Hemel and Aarde
  4. Nissan Trailseeker WC #4: 19 November at Bosman Wines in Wellington

The Colours Qualification Criteria are as follows: 1. Three best results of four to count 2. Top twenty positions per category to be given points 3. Less than five participants per category – only first place qualifies 4. Less than ten participants per category – only first and second to qualify 5. Ten and greater than ten participants per category – top three to qualify No individual can qualify for Western Province XCM Colours without a Cycling South Africa (CSA) license.

The categories are as follows: 1. Nippers, Sprogs and Sub-Juniors – 20km 2. Youth, Juniors, Master Women, Grand Master Women and Grand Master Men – 40km 3. Elite, Sub-Veteran Men and Women, Veteran Men and Women and Master Men – 70km

Please take note of the following: Parents may ride with children U/10 (Nippers) and U/12 (Sprogs) but must remain behind the child at all times and not interfere with other riders. Parents may not ride with children U/14 (Sub-Juniors) and upwards under any circumstances. Transgressions may be reported to race officials on the day or to the WP MTB Commission. Transgressions will result in the qualifying rider being disqualified from the series.

Please find the relevant information on the Nissan Trailseeker website: http://www.trailseekerseries.co.za/ “The series is targeted at the young, the novice and the family but also for the experienced rider. The routes are aimed to be fun and friendly, no technical and specialised bits that only the pro’s can ride. The series caters for those looking to get into mountain biking as a sport, the weekend riders and the family conscious. But with great TV coverage, good prize money with provincial points up for grabs, the serious riders are drawn in to compete into a festival of mountain biking.”

Western Cape Cross Country Marathon Championships 2016

The Western Cape Cross Country Marathon (XCM) Championships 2016 will be hosted by Dryland at the Ladismith Cheese 7Weekspoort Mountain Bike Challenge on 1 October 2016. The Start Venue is the Amalienstein Packing shed in Amalienstein and the Finish Venue is the Ladismith High School in Ladismith. Please find the relevant information on the website: http://www.7weekspoortmtb.co.za/.

“The Ladismith Cheese 7weekspoort MTB Challenge, in the spectacular landscape of the title town, and its neighbouring missionary villages in the Klein Karoo, is a real classic. Riders will experience the raw scenic majesty of the poort itself – a riot underscored by a botanical circus – on a ride paced to make you know you’ve had your physical moneys-worth in addition to the almost overwhelming scenic value. Convenient, accessible and comfortable… One of South Africa’s greatest one-dayers!” (Excerpt from the website)

The Western Cape XCM Championships 2016 Categories are as follows:

  1. Nippers, Sprogs and Sub-Juniors – 26km
  2. Youth, Juniors, Master Women, Grand Master Women and Grand Master Men – 40km
  3. Elite, Sub-Veteran Men and Women, Veteran Men and Women and Master Men – 82km

Please take note of the following:  

  • No rider under 19 may compete in the 82km race as per Cycling South Africa (CSA) rules.
  • Parents may ride with children U/10 (Nippers) and U/12 (Sprogs) but must remain behind the child at all times and not interfere with other riders. 
  • Parents may not ride with children U/14 (Sub-Juniors) and upwards under any circumstances.
  • Transgressions may be reported to race officials on the day.
  • Transgressions will result in the qualifying rider being disqualified from the race.

How to qualify for Provincial XCM Colours:

  • No individual can qualify for Western Cape XCM Colours without a CSA license (Elite and Junior) or CSA membership (All other categories).
  • It should be noted that Provincial Colours can only be attained once an individual has received Regional Colours. Each of the regions should organise their own regional marathon mountain biking series.
  • This means that, if an individual has received his Regional Colours and has come in the top three of his/her category at 7Weekspoort, he/she will receive Western Cape Colours.
  • No colours are awarded at the Ladismith Cheese 7Weekspoort Mountain Bike Challenge/Western Cape XCM Championships 2016 because some of the regional series’ are not complete yet. This is the reason why only medals will be awarded and not certificates on the day of the Championships.



The proposed list for Western Cape (Provincial) Colours for XCO is included below. Please review this list and if there are any queries, this should be raised to Shani Morton (shani.morton6@gmail.com) by no later than close of business on Tuesday, 30 August 2016.

Unfortunately the DHI lists are not yet finalised and this will be circulated in due course. Any queries raised will be presented to the Commission for deliberation.

WC XCO Colours 2016 – List


24 August 2016

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Western Cape Colours for XCO are to be awarded at a prize-giving subsequent to the SA National XCO Championships. Western Cape Colours for XCO are to be awarded according to the following criteria:

  1. The best qualifying three (3) events of the Western Cape XCO Cup Series will count towards the determination of colours recipients in each category.
  2. If riders have the same points on the final series log, then the result of the last race of the series will determine which rider will receive colours.
  3. Individuals finishing in the first (1st) place on the series log in each official category of the Western Cape XCO Cup Series where the category has fewer than five (5) participants.
  4. Individuals finishing in the first (1st) and second (2nd) place on the series log in each official category of the Western Cape XCO Cup Series where the category has five (5) to nine (9) participants.
  5. Individuals finishing in first (1st), second (2nd) or third (3rd) place on the series log in each official category of the Western Cape XCO Cup Series where the category has a minimum of ten (10) participants.
  6. Individuals finishing in first (1st) place at the Western Cape Championships will qualify for Western Cape Colours in the event that the race has fewer than five participants. Participation in at least one Western Cape Cup Series race is a pre-requisite.
  7. Individuals finishing in first (1st) and second (2nd) place at the Western Cape Championships will qualify for Western Cape Colours in the event that the race has five (5) to nine (9) participants. Participation in at least one Western Cape Cup Series race is a pre-requisite.
  8. Individuals finishing in first (1st), second (2nd) or third (3rd) place at the Western Cape Championships will qualify for Western Cape Colours in the event that the race has a minimum of ten (10) participants. Participation in at least one Western Cape Cup Series race is a pre-requisite.
  9. Individuals finishing in first (1st), second (2nd) or third (3rd) place in the SA XCO Cup Series.
  10. Individuals finishing in first (1st), second (2nd) or third (3rd) place at the SA National XCO Championships or African Continental Championships will qualify for Western Cape Colours in the event that the race has fewer than fifteen (15) participants.
  11. Individuals finishing in first (1st), second (2nd), third (3rd), fourth (4th) and fifth (5th) place at the SA National XCO Championships or African Continental Championships will qualify for Western Cape Colours only in the event that the race has a minimum of fifteen (15) participants.
  12. Should an objection be raised as to the inclusion of a rider not included during an evaluation of the parameters above, the final decision by exception rests with the EXCO.

WP XCO, DHI and XCM clothes

Good day all 2015  WP XCO, DHI and XCM recipients,

Once again congratulations for obtaining your colours!

We will be taking orders for the official WP MTB clothes on Thursday 14 January from 17h30 – 19h00 at Bloemendal Wine Estate in Durbanville ( after which the weekly nightride will take place and then the Ceremony for WP and WC  XCM colours ). Everybody welcome to stay for ride and Celebrations!!

  • There will be two options to choose from ( and you’re more than welcome to order both )
  • Option 1: Red and blue tracksuit ( attached picture ) but with WP logo on left chest @ R 550.00 each
  • Option 2: Light grey hooded top ( attached picture ) but with WP logo on left chest @ R250.00 each
  • It is essential that you come and fit on from 17h30 in order to place your order for correct size ( No refunds will be done for wrong sizes, etc )
  • Payment terms:  Please bring correct cash on evening  or  EFT to WP MTB commission account by latest Monday 18 January, using your Surname / Discipline / Age group as reference ( Eg. De Villiers_XCO_NB ). Forward Proof of payment to info@wpmtb.co.za
  • Account details:

Bank: FNB / RMB Private Bank, Account number: 62456333823, Branch Code: 202709, Branch Name: Cape Town

  • No orders will be processed if the Proof of payment has not been submitted by above mentioned due date.


Adelle de Villiers

084 459 5994



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The proposed list for Marathon for both Western Province (Regional) and Western Cape (Provincial) is included below. Please review this list and if there are any queries, this should be sent to info@wpmtb.co.za by no later than close of business on Tuesday, 15 December 2015. Any queries raised will be presented to the Commission for deliberation.

WPMTBC – WP and WC XCM Colours 2015

We would like to congratulate not only the recipients of Western Province and Western Cape Colours, but also each and every person that participated in the relevant marathon races in 2015. Your dedication to the sport of Mountain Biking is truly inspiring.



Western Cape Marathon Championships/ Western Cape Marathon Colours.

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There has been a proliferation of queries regarding Western Cape Colours associated with 7Weekspoort. By way of definition, mountain biking in the Western Cape is divided into three clear regions.  The three regions are as follows:

  1. West Coast
  2. Eden (comprises of Eden itself and the Central Karoo)
  3. Western Province (comprises of the Cape Metropole, Winelands and Overberg)

The 7Weekspoort mountain bike challenge doubles as the Western Cape Mountain Biking Marathon Championships. It should be noted that Provincial Colours can only be attained once an individual has received Regional Colours. Each of the three regions should organise their own regional marathon mountain biking series or championships.

In the Western Province the Nissan Trailseeker Series serves as the Western Province Mountain Bike Series. This transpires over four events of which the best three results will count for an individual. Based on this, individuals in the Western Province will attain Western Province Colours. In the same manner West Coast and Eden have to go through the same process.  Once the mountain bike commissions in the West Coast, Eden and Western Province have submitted the names for regional colours, Western Cape Provincial Colours will be determined.

This means that, if an individual has received his regional colours and has come in the top three of his/her category at 7Weekspoort they will receive Western Cape Colours. The Western Province Series concludes with the fourth round of the Nissan Trailseeker Series at Meerendal on 14 November. It will therefore only be possible to determine Western Cape Mountain Biking Marathon Colours after the conclusion of this event in order that the Western Province Mountain Bike Commission submits their regional colours first. This means that, in the interim, no colours are awarded for the 7Weekspoort Mountain Bike Challenge/Western Cape Mountain Biking Marathon Championships. This is the reason why only medals were awarded and not certificates on the day of the Championships.

For more information on these events, please visitwww.trailseekerseries.co.za or www.7weekspoortmtb.co.za.

Please visit www.wpmtb.co.za for more information.



The Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the Western Province / Western Cape Colours Ceremony will be held on Thursday, 15 October 2015.

Venue:            Rondebosch Bowling Club
GPS Co-ordinates: -33.973385, 18.483176
(Next to Western Province Cricket Club)
Time:              17h15 for 17h30

As a reminder: The AGM will be the forum in which the office bearers for the Western Province Mountain Bike Commission will be appointed for the following year.

It is important to note that all office bearers need to be re-elected at the AGM.  Current office bearers who wish to stay on and serve the commission will have to make themselves available for re-election.  Voting for office bearers will take place at the AGM.

It is important that all persons attend both the AGM and the Colours Ceremony.

Any queries please contact WPMTBC@novus.holdings or visit www.wpmtb.co.za.

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