Home of the Western Province Mountain Biking Commission

Month: December 2015

Thank you to our 2015 Sponsors

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We would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to all our 2015 sponsors. Your support to the sport of mountain biking is appreciated. We have partnered to host fantastic cross country and downhill events this year:

SponsorsCSA SponsorPPS Sponsor

Thank you to SUBARU Cape Town, DCP and GIANT that have committed to partner with us in 2016. We are actively looking for additional sponsors to partner with us to enable the WPMTBC to host the Western Province, Western Cape and SA MTB Cup Series events on our 2016 calendar for Cross Country and Downhill mountain biking.

The WPMTBC would like to thank Mr Stephen van der Walt for serving tirelessly as the WPMTBC chairperson for the past two years. His dedication to the sport is admirable. He continues to serve as a committee member.




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The proposed list for Marathon for both Western Province (Regional) and Western Cape (Provincial) is included below. Please review this list and if there are any queries, this should be sent to info@wpmtb.co.za by no later than close of business on Tuesday, 15 December 2015. Any queries raised will be presented to the Commission for deliberation.

WPMTBC – WP and WC XCM Colours 2015

We would like to congratulate not only the recipients of Western Province and Western Cape Colours, but also each and every person that participated in the relevant marathon races in 2015. Your dedication to the sport of Mountain Biking is truly inspiring.



Looking forward to 2016…(updated)

The election of the executive committee of the WPMTB Commission for the 2016 calendar year was done at the AGM held on 15 October 2015. There are still many things that need to be finalised; including next year’s calendar, the venues and courses required to challenge you, but still meet the variety of age groups that make up WPMTB constituents.

The committee is hard at work to finalise the list of recipients that qualify for Western Province and Western Cape Marathon Colours. The list of recipients will be released soonest and unfortunately, due to various factors beyond our control, we cannot provide an exact date. We will have a Marathon Colours ceremony in January 2016.

Preliminary dates are:

Cross Country (XCO) – WP Cup Series

  • 23 January 2016
  • 13 February 2016
  • 20 February 2016
  • 9 April 2016

Downhill (DHI)

  • 13 February 2016 – WP Cup Series
  • 28 February 2016 – WP and SA Cup Series
  • 10 April 2016 – WP Cup Series
  • 1 May 2016 – WP and SA Cup Series

Preliminary date for the WC Champs for XCO and DHI is:

  • 28 May 2016 – XCO; 29 May 2016 – DHI

Date for the second SA Cup race in Cape Town for XCO:

  • 27 February 2016

Our drive for 2016 is bridging the gap between the Spur schools series and other XCO riders to participate in the WP Cup series and an improvement in the marketing of our events. Key to this is the message that because it says Western Province or Western Cape, it does not preclude anyone from entering or participating (and supporting) these events. Even though XCO and DHI are demanding disciplines, it does not mean that you need any specific experience other than to turn up on the day to participate.

Next year we would encourage as many schools to participate as is feasibly possible. As a committee we understand the traditional sporting pressures from schools and respect obligations in this regard. Mountain biking is the second fastest growing sport in the country and whilst we realise the barrier to entry can appear high, all you need is a bike, helmet and some courage to come and take part.

The commission is a passionate bunch of mostly MTB parents. Over the past four years it has grown into an efficient MTB machine, and in 2015 delivered a number of very successful events across the Western Cape including the WP Cup Series, the WC Champs and the SA National Champs in Stellenbosch. We also introduced the Nissan Trailseeker series to the Western Province to fill a vitally required marathon series.

In the next year we plan to maintain the high standards we have set in 2015, but also to promote and increase participation at all levels as well as providing education regarding the rules and regulations that govern the sport of mountain biking.

In the next few weeks and months we will be providing:

  1. The list of recipients that qualify for Western Province and Western Cape Marathon Colours
  2. The final (sanctioned) calendar for 2016
  3. Marathon colours ceremony date
  4. Some clarity as to how the regions and provinces work
  5. How colours work and are awarded

So watch this space.