Just in case you wanted to review your results, they are up over at saseeding.co.za.
Photos should www.trailseekerseries.co.za/gallery/photos soon.
Home of the Western Province Mountain Biking Commission
Just in case you wanted to review your results, they are up over at saseeding.co.za.
Photos should www.trailseekerseries.co.za/gallery/photos soon.
Unfortunately it would seem that certain trail markers were removed prior to the Nissan Trailseeker Series race held in Somerset West this past weekend.
Advendurance, organisers of the Nissan Trailseeker Series, could have not have been more apologetic.
They have assured us that the next event in Grabouw on 27 June will be up to their normal high standards. Standards that many of us have experienced and enjoyed.
In addition all those who rode the 70km in Somerset West will be given a free entry into Grabouw.
Due to this, no results could be issued for the 70km race. Prize giving was, however, held for the 10km, 20km and 40km races. (Please be aware that, in the Nissan Trailseeker Series, prizes are awarded overall for each race but also each age category recognised within the race distance).
In conjunction with Advendurance, it has been agreed that the following will apply to the Western Province Marathon Series:
1. For under 10, under 12 and under 14, the results are valid and therefore the best three (3) results of the four (4) race series will still determine regional colours;
2. The results for girls under 16 and under 18 are valid and therefore the best three (3) results of the four (4) race series will still determine regional colours;
3. The results for boys under 16 and under 18 remain somewhat contentious, even though a prize giving was held. This is due to the fact that some individuals raced a shorter distance, while other individuals raced a much longer distance. In truth, almost everyone rode the incorrect route. Due to this, for boys under 16 and under 18, regional colours will be determined by using the best two (2) results of the four (4) race series;
4. In all other categories regional colours will be based on the best two (2) results of the four (4) race series.
If there are any specific queries as to the race itself, please direct these to the organisers of the Nissan Trailseeker Series, Advendurance, on www.advendurance.com.
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